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Monday, August 8, 2011

Lovin' It

I spend a lot of time driving and get pretty bored.  So today while I was driving I started thinking about new blog ideas and thought about doing things I'm loving at the moment.

I give you,  "Lovin' it." 

1. Toms shoes.  I buy a pair, they give a pair to someone in need.  'Nough said! (And they're super confortable and more appropriate than flip flops when I running around liquor stores for work)

2. Colorado peaches and corn on the cob.  Oh so juicy and delicious!  I've never had a Georgia peach, but I'm on the record saying I bet Colorado peaches are better!

3. Summer in Summit County. Up here you come for the winter and stay for the summer!  Can it stay like this year round?? Please?

4. Gym time.  Finally got my butt back into the gym after a long hiatus.

5. Waking up my brain.  I've been studying for the GMAT so I can start taking classes for my Masters degree and boy, my brain has been on autopilot since graduation.  

6. Happy hour on a great deck.  Like I said, summers are unreal up here so gots to take advatage!

7. The Daybook.  My favorite-est blog!

8. Nature.  I'm more a "city girl," but figure I gotta take advantage of living in the mountains.  I went hiking this weekend and it was so nice to be outside in the sunshine.  However, my lungs were on fire! Guess I'm not quite acclimated to the altitude (after 10 months!)