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Wednesday, November 5, 2008

My roommates!

So thus far, this semester has been so much fun!  At the beginning, I was worried about living with new roommates, not sure if we would all get along, but it was been wonderful.  I feel like we aren't just roommates, but we are really good friends and I can go to them whenever I need something.  We have movie nights all the time (scary movies are the most fun because we are all pretty jumpy, me especially) and just love hanging out and talking.  My roommates last year were great and and they are amazing girls.  I just needed a change, people that I could really hang out with and have fun with.  I just want to say thank you to Cait and Paige for making this semester awesome!  I will truly miss you next semester and I am already looking forward to coming back for more good times ha! 

P.S. Sorry for all the political stuff you guys have had to endure over the past couple of months, but it is finally over!